Thursday 31 March 2011


I'm making a few changes to Kickcan & Conkers so please bear with me if it looks a bit strange...
I will be replacing my banner this weekend with something new. Time to say goodbye to my little Czech boy and girl.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Shak-Shuka Paper Puppet Giveaway Winner

Rules are rules, there can only be one winner, as you know. has picked one for us tonight:

Congratulations No. 5! 

I'm taking a short break to work on my little online shop.
I'll try and pop in before the weekend to say hello.
There's plenty to look at if you ever get bored.

Keep smiling!

à bientôt!

First Steps #3

She once described me as an alien from a distant planet and I in turn would like to call her 'Mother Courage'. As many of you will know, Maddie is the author of Lil'Magoolie, south of the equator and at the centre of anything colourful and creative for mums and kids. She's a ray of sunshine in the blogosphere, always smiling,  bubbly, forever innovative and fresh. She's also a very strong and determined young lady.

Maddie and her family live in Christchurch, New Zealand. Her city lies in ruins after the recent earthquake but like many fellow Christchurchians, she refuses to just sit down and cry,  no matter how traumatising the experience. 

Maddie's Lil'Quake Appeal to raise money for Red Cross NZ ends  at 7pm NZST on March 30th. Give her a surprise when she wakes up tomorrow, there's still time to up the bids on some of the cool stuff she's managed to collect to help mend her broken city.
There's work to be done, and Maddie has plans, but that's another story.

'Mother Courage' - I take my hat off to you!

P Pour...

P pour Printemps, Spring and Summer too

P Pour Princesse, Petit Pois, Petit Bonhomme with ribbon blue

P Pour Poupée as pretty as can be

 P Pour Paradis, oh so heavenly...

Acte 11 will be unveiled tomorrow.
P is for Perfection

photos by Claude Basler

Monday 28 March 2011

Les Demoiselles D'Avignon

 (click to enlarge)

"Pick a famous painting, try to keep the structure but change the context" - Dylan's (14) latest school art project.
He chose Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon and came up with this last night using the graphics tablet we bought him for Christmas.
I love art. I love my children.
For Dylan, then, Mon Grand
My Image of the Day!

Fresh Talent: Masha Brick

Every little detail counts!

Masha Brick, a young artist and doll-maker living in St Petersburg, Russia, recently started blogging in English and selling her work online. She's a storyteller, a sewer, a crafter and a magician. I shall be following her from now on.  

Birds, Butterflies, Bunnies and Bees

Nuno Mag's got everything in


Watercolour your butterflies
Make a mask, bunny one and two

Fill your house with flowers

And pretty paper birdies blue.
Damaged books, tissue paper, old cereal boxes, thrifted silk clothing
Salvage and Restore 

 The latest issue of Nuno Magazine is full of simple Springtime craft activities to keep you busy as a bee.  Elisabeth Abernathy-Graham and Rachel Abernathy-Braff will also be donating $1 for every copy sold between now and June 1st to The Tunisian Beekeepers Project in order to help set up families living in the poverty-stricken mountains as beekeepers.

Birds, Butterflies, Bunnies and Bees

Buzz off
Api crafting!

Cheer Up!

Come on girls & boys
Give us a smile
It's Colour My Monday!

Sunday 27 March 2011

Bruna Saves The Day

 It's rained non-stop
Quel dommage !
Thank goodness for Dick Bruna
He never fails to make me smile
My image of the day!

Always Look On The Bright Side

That's right 
Always look on the bright side!

Spring is here, the sun is out and flowers are a-bloomin'
Colour is back, fresh and fruity, all around
Zest and Zing,  energy a-new
Changes, projects, mountains high
Blow away the cobwebs
Make and Bake

Always look on the bright side

I am honored to have been asked to contribute to the Spring Issue of 
dedicated to Colour
131 pages of inspiration for you, your little ones and your home

What are you waiting for?
Dive right in and enjoy!

Saturday 26 March 2011

Etsy Finds: S is for Ship

We're hoping to nip to the beach tomorrow morning for a coffee by the harbour and a good ole rummage at the flea market. It all depends on the weather. I have started collecting old Savon de Marseille, I love it when they shrink and darken with age. I'll also be looking out for old mirrors, I'd really like to make a feature wall in the bathroom with them. What are you into at the moment, anything in particular?
I've just added a couple of things from Daily Memorandum, it's a beautiful shop, I  like to 'pop in' there from time to time. I thought these vintage educational cards and primitive  ships would work well in a boy's room, what do you think?
Have a lovely Sunday!

Un Samedi

On a Saturday
In the sun.

Oh Kavka!

I knew you wouldn't disappoint...
A promising debut
With lots more to come
Go see for yourself!

Friday 25 March 2011


My Images of the Day
Because Kerry always, always gets it right!

Don't forget to enter 

The Street Where I Live

I love little houses,they're always popping up on Kickcan & Conkers.
If you follow me on Twitter you will remember me tweeting about this wonderful group of ladies who spent twenty three years knitting a replica of their village in Kent. Twenty three years to knit over sixty properties complete with hedges, wheely bins, cars and village cricket green. I am more than impressed, brilliant I say! Thank You Grace and Judy for the link.

In another part of the world Chloé Fleury has crafted her favourite neighbourhoods in San Francisco out of paper. On show recently at The Curiosity Shoppe, Chloé's colourful poster installation looks uplifting and fun. Any of her streets would look great in a kid's room so why not rummage around for some old small cardboard boxes  and have a go at making something similar with your own children? The street where I live - a super craft project for your kids this Summer!