Sunday 3 July 2011

Five Faves #56

Oh, it's so good to be on holiday!
We're having a great time here in sunny England and quite frankly, I wish we could stay.

We've been busy but I have managed to put together a quick Five Faves
I hope you like them...

1) Favourite Handmade Nursery Decoration - Matilde Beldroega's Mobile

2) Favourite Display - Julie Arkell's Dolls at the YSP

3) Favourite New Book - Marcel Gascoin - PiqPoq

4) Favourite Fun Illustrations - Hannah Worsley

 5) Favourite Vintage Poster - The Shop at Number 57 (I can't wait for this to open)


  1. oh la belle (future) boutique que voilĂ  !!

  2. Lovely, lovely things the mobile is wonderful x

  3. Mustache Envy is brilliant and I love the detail of the mobile

  4. that mobile is awesomeness... and the book is, too.

  5. What a nice book. I like it! R

  6. Sometime ago I had found a picture online of lovely paper mache dolls, try as I might I wasn't able to find the artist behind those dolls. This morning I was to find those very same dolls on display on your blog post with the artist name! What a treat, Thank you Deborah :D

  7. Oh oh ! Thank you Deb. Hope to see you soon in Paris !


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!