Don't worry, I'm still here! I haven't gone into hiding, yet!
I suddenly seem to have so much going on at home,
I guess it's just a very busy time of year.
I can't wait for the Summer holidays now. We have several special friends coming to stay, so there's much to be done in the garden, in particular. I love our garden. If you follow me on Instagram, you will already have seen some of the nicest spots for relaxing, in the hamac or on a wrought iron day bed in the shade... mmm.... c'est pour bientôt!
I hope you enjoy this small collection of hideaways, all perfect for little ones, and a far cry from the simple sheet tents we used to make when we were little!.
Thanks for the inspiration:
Every single tent is looking so cosy! Just disappear and read a book...(sigh)