Well Hello Monday!
I hope you had fun this weekend.
We've been taking things slowly, re-adjusting to our life as a family of four (our eldest son left home recently), planning trips abroad, working on the house and well, just pottering.
I've been thinking a lot about my future on the web, and I'm enjoying the challenge of "re-creating" myself online, or rather of exploring and developing certain aspects in particular.
Today, I'd like to share five random favorite links, all very worthy of your attention.
Treat yourself to a five minute break and browse their inspiring sites.
Moi, J'adore !
Random Rules #1
1) In my kitchen by Anastasia Benko- atmine
2) ' Stilled' ( 2013) - Salt Mills - Caroline Bartlett
3) Future Textiles - Jaqueline Lefferts
4) Cutlery rests - Bluemics, etsy
5) Installation 10m3 à la Manufacture Roubaix by X11 + 52
Bonne Journée !
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