Monday, 7 January 2013

Pause Café

 It's almost 11 am and I'm still in my PJs.
What kind of start to the week is that?
I've been up since the crack of dawn though, for the first time in two weeks.
A habit I really mustn't lose.

I feel as if I should be more organised.
I'll try.

I've been sorting through magazines, old and new.
Looking for inspiration, thinking about what I really like.

I've been visiting my favourite blogs and websites, 
And wondering where I want to take my own.

I don't know yet. 
But it'll come, in time.

I'm taking things more slowly this year, online and off
Et vous ?

Thanks for the inspiration:
Greek image: Marie Claire Maison (I'm sorry, I don't have the full source ??)
Mobile: Country Living UK (idem - torn out a long time ago)
Savannah's photos from La Camargue yesterday.
(photo: Karel Balas) 


  1. Hello and Happy New Year to you!
    I think you are not alone in how you're feeling. I'm with you : ) x
    It's always good to take stock and allow yourself time to relax though.
    Just makes you appreciate how much you love doing what you're doing!

    Here's to a productive, enjoyable and creative 2013 x x

  2. sublime!!!! j'adore toutes les photos!!!! bizzzz

  3. Happy New Year! Lovely imagery - I am always inspired by your blog and pins, and I love the start of the year for the impetus it gives to reflect on the past, the future, hopes and aspirations.

  4. Alors, chère Deborah, je vous souhaite une année à laquelle vous imprimerez votre propre tempo, ponctuée de délicieuses pauses et de moments de bonheur partagés, de découvertes stimulantes que vous pourrez prendre le temps de savourer comme il vous plaira et d'instants d'émerveillement.

    Merci pour tout ce que vous nous montrez dans la lumière et la grâce.



Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!