Have you ever paid a visit to Poppytalk Handmade, the monthly online street market curated by Poppytalk? I love it, there's a new market each month and at the moment the theme is 'Home Sweet Home' running to August 15. Poppytalk have the knack for finding really original emerging designers so I always fall in love with something. I have to admit that several pieces have caught my eye this time, including

(I absolutely adore all of this woman's work)
My favourite market finds are these beautiful photographs by Bucks County Frames

I started looking for some nice photography for Dylan's bedroom last summer when we moved. He's thirteen and being arty has good taste (barring the head-to-toe, wall-to-wall Che Guevara trend, but ...). We've found a few pieces of vintage signage and some old French automobile posters so far. These photographs would be great - for his room, our living room, our kitchen...
They're so beautiful and there are so many more on the photographer's site, it's difficult to choose really. Bucks also sells fabulous handcrafted eco-friendly frames with no nasty VOCs. Fine photography in fine frames, sounds perfect!
It's a wonderful store, isn't it? Love your favourites - the photography is rather divine. K