Sunday, 30 August 2009

Vintage in Versailles

Okay, I know it's a long shot, but if you happen to be in or around Versailles, France, mid-September (11-12-13) and you love French vintage kids' clothes from the 50s, 60s and 70s, don't miss this great sale at Kentucky Rain à Versailles. Allison, an American, has over 400 vintage items waiting for you (for the most part brand new with their original price tags) boasting brand names such as le Petit Bateau, Clayeux and Absorba. Everything you need for boys and girls from 0-16 years old. Le rêve!


  1. oh my goodness. i want to go! so much!

  2. Oh wow! Now that would be a fabulous thing to go to :) If only wishing could make it so... K x

  3. Merci pour la pub! So nice of you -- and I can see we enjoy the same things! Drop by next time you're way up north ...

  4. ça doit être très amusant d'aller de plonger ainsi dans notre enfance...j'irai peut être avec mon ado pour voir ses réactions!


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