Thursday, 9 September 2010

Kate Slater

Do you remember our recent trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park? Well, when we arrived, we were greeted by this stunning paper bird installation created by London-based freelance author/illustrator Kate Slater.

Forty-four handmade birds flying across the YSP's shop window - so beautiful!

Kate Slater works with both flat collage and a combination of paper, cut-outs and wire, which she uses to create suspended, relief illustrations. Her 3D work on display inside the shop was one of the freshest, most inspiring things I've seen in a long time.

I bought a couple of really sweet cards and had chance to look at an advance copy of her first children's book, Magpie's Treasure, coming out in November (Andersen Press, available for pre-order here).

Kate has just taken down her exhibition and will be selling any unsold pieces (the giraffe? very special indeed!) in her etsy shop soon. I can see her beautiful picture book being on everyone's Christmas lists in the UK this year so keep your eyes peeled for that, and in the meantime, why not stock up on her few of her card sets, which are perfect for framing and decorating a child's room?

One of my favourite discoveries this year!

all images©Kate Slater


  1. Her work is fantastic! Thank so much for bringing her to my attention.

  2. Thank you for sharing
    This fabulous work with us
    Good creations

  3. That was a great post, I love the Yorkshire Sculpture Park too.

  4. VKBMKL - I think she might be selling some of the birds in her etsy shop soon :)

  5. It was such an amazing display! I bought some of Kate's post cards from her Etsy earlier this year and they're beautiful, so talented! and ooooo I love the YSP shop it's so hard not to buy anything!!


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