Happy Monday Morning!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Despite the various tummy bugs and viruses that seem to have invaded our home, we finally managed to buy ourselves a tree and get into the Christmas spirit. I've been working round the clock on my shop (looking good folks, patience, patience!), so I haven't had chance to think about homemade decorations this year. I have found some lovely illustrations and ideas from a couple of my favourite books though.
I bought my copy of "Sweden - a year", by Lena Larsson (1968) from a charity shop years ago when I was preparing my first trip to Stockholm with schoolfriends. Lena Larsson's illustrations are beautiful

Who remembers I-Spy annuals ? I have a couple of my dad's at home and I love them. These pretty illustrations and paper craft activities by Danuta Laskowska come from the 1956 edition.

Good luck with your preparations Deb. It looks like my libellule will be home with a tummy bug too this week... not easy for doing Santa's shopping for him ;-) Take care and am on the edge of my seat waiting for your shop!!