Friday, 1 October 2010


Not sure whether it's the start of a new day or the end of a very long one!
There are moments in life when you want to curl up in a ball and let the world forget you for a while... 
(I'm fine though, just tired!)
Atelier de Betty


  1. Oh boy do I hear you! Hope you feel better soon. I know I look forward to reading about your cool finds & thoughts. Many people would miss you if you were in a ball. :)

  2. Deb, I thought you were away home for a holiday! Slow down, recharge, you are like a dynamo xxx

  3. hope you feel right again soon, it's been a bit of a month here as well so i feel for you x

  4. merci beaucoup de cette présentation, je suis flattée.
    Bravo for your blog, I'll come back...
    And see you soon on flickr also.
    A bientôt. Betty.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!