Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Etsy Find: A Sign

Naive but somehow comforting 
Such troubled times for this poor world of ours.


  1. it's unbelievable how many things you find - how many posts you write! it's great here!!

  2. Merci pour ton message. Nous espérons que le site sera en ligne demain. C'est formidable de découvrir un si joli blog que le tien en même temps qu'on se lance dans une nouvelle aventure.
    A très vite

  3. Ah Wonderful, I've just spent the past 20 minutes looking through your blog, it's like sitting down with a fave magazine, I love it, so inspirational :)

  4. Je découvre ton blog au hasard de mes pérégrinations "bloguesques" : beaucoup de jolies choses ici.
    A bientôt

  5. It is lovely and comforting.

  6. thank you for all the inspiring finds and sharing them! a vistit at your blog is so inspiring and often makes me smile.

  7. It's a lovely sign Deb! And yes, the weather here in Australia is crazy. It's heartbreaking what's happening - thank you for posting about it. :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!