Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Ana Raimundo

I've started looking around for nice, unusual and affordable gifts for Christmas and Portuguese artist Ana Raimundo's quirky, handprinted lavender sachets, notebooks and colouring prints fit the bill perfectly. Take a look for yourself. I would love to open my armoire every morning and be greeted by the scent of "The Apple Girl" or "The Girl Who Knitted Love".


  1. Wasn't this a fortuitous time to come rest the paint brush and come in for a cuppa?!! These are gorgeous

  2. These are gorgeous. I love love them. Going to check out the rest of her things right now!

  3. Oh, so cute! Love the sweet looks on their cute faces! Great find!

  4. j'adore ... moi aussi je craquerais bien pour ses sachets de lavande

  5. They're so beautiful. I love that sachet with the girl with the wool in her hand... :)

  6. These are just fabulous! Thanks for the link :) K

  7. Many thanks for the feature in your beautiful blog! I'm very pleasant :)


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