Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Bods from Blocks

I'm a big fan of Swedish illustrator Ingela Arrhenius' work and I've really enjoyed following her wood block project these past few months. It all started with this little chappie last July

and ever since, Ingela has been busy putting ideas on paper, penciling in and painting

It's taken Ingela almost a year to complete her one hundred-strong collection of wood folk, who were revealed to the world this weekend. She's now planning on making a book for all those unable to attend the exhibition and even has a few block bods left if you're interested.

Can't wait to see what's coming next!


  1. Virkelig fine ting hun laver i træ:-)

  2. wonderful! love this idea. so simple but the ideas are endless.

    ps can't believe you speak - what is that - swedish? too!

  3. so sweet! the monkey is the hit - want to have one... have to watch the link. thanks for that fantastic tip.


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