Tuesday, 19 June 2012

High Five #27

1) Help! A frightening flying fish! Cardboard Katya does it again!

 2) Loving the embroidery and personal touch to Marina Maminas' work

3) Thanks for reminding me Pondeli - the simplest kids' craft activities never go out of fashion.

H for Handmade!
My Five Faves last week were all made with love.
And it shows!


  1. lovely findings...I love the donkey and I wish I had that room in the first picture...just simple and white and not filled with a lot of things...so calm...thank you for showing...

    1. My thoughts too Britt-Marie, the older I get the less clutter and furniture I can stand... we will be living in an empty white cube soon!

  2. Hello, thank you so much for including my work in this beautiful post!! Saludos :) Marina.

  3. Thank you once more, Deborah! And a white, nearly empty, simple flat is my dream...

    1. mine too - I am trying hard to keep things to a minimum without making it too cold for the kids!

  4. Thank you as always for your inspiring finds.

  5. The minute the sun goes behind the clouds, I'm putting the kids on stick mobiles. Thanks for reminding me!


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