Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Réponds Correctement!

 It's been a while since I posted any nice books, so today I thought I'd share a few scans from the latest addition to Miles' bookcase, Réponds Correctement!, written by Hungarian author and poet Eva Janikovszky and illustrated by László Réber (first published in 1968).  We love all love Réber's colourful, cartoon-like illustrations and Joelle Dufeuilly's translation is perfectly modern, funny and thought-provoking (for 6 years and upwards). 

 This book is part of a series of four, recently re-edited in French by the excellent Swiss publishing house La Joie de Lire. The other titles are Incroyable Mais Vrai, Moi Si J'Etais Grand and La Chance Que J'ai. We will be collecting them all for sure.

PS: I picked up a copy of this beautiful book by the same publishing house in Nîmes the other day and I'm sure it would appeal to many of you, especially if you enjoyed this and this, two other favourite reads at home.


  1. Deborah-what a wonderful book. Thanks so much for sharing! So looking forward to meeting you at the weekend! :-) caroline

  2. Beautiful simplicity...and the other books are so uniquely different- love that A long the road.
    Hope you are feeling better!

  3. J´ADORE László Réber! Depuis mon enfance! Il n´y a pas longtemps j´ai acheté un livre avec ses illustrations (écrit par Eva Janikovszky aussi) de l´année 1972. C´était une vraie découverte pour moi:)

  4. Hi, I am hungarian and Janikovszky is one of my favourit author. My mother used to read her book for me, when I was a child (at he 80's). Now I read them to my children.
    Her books are so funny. Reber was exclusive illustrator for her books.



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