Friday, 31 May 2013

C'est Flou

Michel Berger Hotel

One of the things I often notice at blogger conferences is how surprised people are when I say I love black & white. I realise this is because of my colourful, quirky blog, but K&C is only a small part of who I am. There was a lot of talk at The Hive about the image bloggers convey, the dichotomy between the real and virtual, être et paraître, I think it's very interesting and I always love to meet the person behind the blog.

Just for the record, I'm a simple soul who loves and needs a neutral, creative interior. How happy was I to stay at The Michel Berger Hotel in Berlin last week - heaven!



  1. entierement en phase avec toi... il y a les 2 aspects chez moi aussi... et tes fotos floues sont justes de superbes portraits Bravo!

    1. Merci, tu me connais un peu, donc, je crois que tu as une idée de comment je suis dans la vraie vie ! Bon WE et courage, ça va être magnifique!

  2. Replies
    1. I loved it and I shared a great room with two other lovely bloggers!

  3. I live in Berlin, but one day I'll find a reason to stay at the michelberger! I have been "observing" that place since it opened and am so glad it has become so popular and successful.

    1. Oh Lena, you must just pop in for a coffee at breakfast or better still go for a drink at the bar on Friday night. It was so hip and trendy, I wish I was 20 years younger! :-)

  4. J'adore les photos flous et cette ambiance en lin blanc sur toi et autour de toi! magnifique ❤

    1. Merci! C'est moi, chez moi, tout simplement :-)

    2. splendide! j'adore ❤ il y a une ambiance d'autrefois, ça pourrait être une vieille photo sépia (sans le téléphone évidemment ;-)

  5. Love love love those light shades but the over all calm ambiance is wonderful looks like a space to breath and relax.

  6. I love your photos. Great self ones! I'm sorry, but how could anyone who follows you not know that you love the neutral palette? It is everywhere in this wonderful blog and on your social meda sites like Pinterest! I know. And I've grown to really appreciate the low-key, clean simplicity of a neutral palette through following you! Thank you! Welcome back!

  7. I stayed there too,what a great place,although I had to get over that 20 yrs younger thing too! I so loved your talk at the hive,it was the highlight for me as your blog is an absolute favorite of mine! Just wished I'd plucked up the courage to say hello in person!Next time I will :)

    1. Silkie, what a shame! You should have come up and said hello! If you listened to my talk you know how down to earth and approachable I am! Promise you'll say hi next time!!!


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