Tuesday 17 June 2014

Fresh Talent: HisoHiso

After almost five years online I think the thing I still enjoy the most is discovering fresh talent.

 Weiwei Cao Persson and Ida Elisabt Liffner are the Swedish design duo behind HisoHiso, a brand new creative project focused on making illustrations for storytelling and play.

 Both of the designers are currently studying for an MA in Child Culture Design at HDK in Gothenburg, and have just completed their first year.


Their recent work includes this beautiful hideaway, designed to be a personal place in a public place.Weiwei and Ida imagine this little den in waiting rooms, at the doctor's or dentist's, in an unknown space where children may feel discomfort and not in control.

They are working on an online shop, which will hopefully be up and running by the end of the summer.  

 Make sure you follow their Facebook page and website
 to catch all their latest developments.

I have a feeling we will be hearing a lot more from these talented young ladies soon!


1 comment:

  1. wow I missed some very very very interesting posts! As this one! You are the best (along with Helena) in findings nice and unconventional kids stuff! :)


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