Wednesday 24 December 2014

Happy Holidays!



I've been a good girl all year, working hard on my blog, shop, pinterest and fashion tumblr, so fingers crossed, Santa will be kind to me tonight!

I'm sure I don't need to tell you how giddy my kids are right now. The decorations are up, meal preparations are underway and most of the presents are wrapped, sitting pretty for tomorrow morning.

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and of course, Happy Holidays to all.

I will be taking a few days off now to spend some quality time with my family.


All images: DecoBox Ro

Friday 19 December 2014

Inspiration: Hanato Morito


What a soothing way to end a busy, stressful week.

 Japanese illustrator Fumi Morimoto and Netherlands-based creative director Soonhwa Kang have sown the first seeds of a very special project. Aiming to design products that will inspire and be appreciated by children and parents every day, their first collaboration comes in the form of a beautiful alphabet poster, available on etsy.

Tokyo-born Soonhwa felt it was the right moment to create a Japanese Hiragana poster for her son when he showed an interest in learning the Japanese alphabet. She wanted to make him something special to keep and remember for a long time. I am in love with Fumi Morimoto's animal illustrations; what an original use of colour! 

The creative duo are putting the final touches on a Dutch animal ABC and animal Hiragana cards, so do keep an eye open for new work in the coming months.

Another team to follow in 2015!

Monday 15 December 2014

Shop Watch: The Velvet Egg

Good Morning!

As I wrote on Facebook this morning, this has to be one of the busiest weeks of the year for many of us, and I really felt that I had to brace myself when I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning. Onwards and upwards, and all that ...

I thought I'd share something to put us all in good spirits today. Something to put a smile on your face despite the stress of last-minute Christmas everything (yep, I'm late again with presents, how do I manage it everytime, I thought xmas was supposed to be a holiday?).

I've had my eye on York-based creative duo Catherine and Elle for a while now, and I'm obviously drawn to their modern, quirky kids' products. I love clean, minimal design, so I can easily imagine a couple of The Velvet Egg's cushions or posters in my own home, especially in my pre-teen daughter's bedroom. 

As is apparent from these few images above, The Velvet Egg offers a striking range of textiles, artwork, stickers, cards and pocket mirrors in pretty shades and bags (lovely stocking fillers or party favours there). But that's not all. Yesterday I noticed their brand new children's Pierrot wallpaper and I have a feeling these two designers have plenty more in store for 2015 and beyond.

Bonne journée !

Friday 12 December 2014

New Collection Watch: Let Me Grow

 The best collections always begin with a story.
This one is about two girls who meet in one of my favourite places in London, 
Kew Gardens.
They visit the iconic glasshouses every month and gradually forge a lifelong friendship.


 The friends share the same dreams of travelling and note down their ideal botanical destinations in special stationery. They send each other postcards from favourite faraway places when they're apart and collect seeds which in turn grow into beautiful plants for all to admire.

 Let Me Grow

is a brand new collection by Severina Kids for STU.

Based on a tale of friendship, of a love of plants and nature,  Alejandra Salvatore has designed an extensive collection of goods for the stylish Argentinian store. Let Me Grow is on a much bigger scale than anything she has done before (she sowed the first seeds last Summer if you remember).

Fans of Severina Kids' signature style will not be disappointed. Let Me Grow includes a limited edition handmade doll with a selection of limited-edition handmade accessories, and a wooden memory game. I am also delighted to see that the talented Rigoberta del Tesouro has contributed to the collection again, designing handmade bonnets, crowns and tiaras for the dolls and little boys and girls. I love her work.

But that's not all. Ale has designed handmade soaps, paper tablecloths, cardboard coasters, bed linen, serigraphed pillows, handknitted garlands and handknitted mushrooms. Her two little lady friends like to celebrate their birthdays with a picnic in the Spring you see.

There's stationery too - notebooks, sketchbooks, wrapping paper, stickers, paper garlands, paper tags, a market list. Nothing has been left out, and as you can see, everything is so beautifully and delicately presented.

Let Me Grow
is already on sale at STU (doesn't it look special on display!) in Buenos Aires.
It will be available for worldwide distribution shortly (  more info  or Severina Kids).

A wonderful collaboration and collection.
May it blossom in 2015!

Saturday 6 December 2014

Holiday Gift Guide: Get Graphic

Dot, Dot, Dash, Dash
Yes, I'm still here!

  I have been working on the Kickcan & Conkers shop this week, so keep your eyes peeled for an update. I have some lovely vintage finds to add for all tastes and budgets.

Until then, for those still looking for Christmas gift ideas, I thought I'd share a few eye-catching black & white presents for the graphic family.
I hope you see something inspiring!

 Bon week-end !

Graphic Gift Guide:
4) White Cotton Dolls ( on sale!) from Cachette

Monday 1 December 2014

High Five #87

Welcome December!
 Let's hope it's a good one, full of treats, surprises, good health and happiness.

I'm in a great mood today, so I thought I'd share something bright and cheerful for a change, I mean, it is "Colour My Monday".

I'm sure many of you will already be familiar with Agatownik's fun, original art work and soft toy designs. I have been following Agata Czechowicz for ages, especially on pinterest  (she has a talent for finding  kids' products), and I love her quirky style.

Agata recently blogged about a beautiful children's book she has been working on, and it's just too special not to share! Obviously handmade with love, this educational soft book is about a small fox and his animal friends. It looks gorgeous, full of stimulating details and eye-catching fabrics. She made it for a toy competition, but if she were to produce more, I'm sure they would make wonderful Christening gifts for newborns or toddlers. 

Definitely one to keep anyway -Love!