Tuesday 30 November 2010

Le Grand Alfredo

Shh! Don't say a word to my circus-loving daughter, but I've just bought Le Grand Alfredo to put away for Christmas. I just know she's going to love it!
Il Grande Alfredo by Spider - Orrechio Acerbo
French version translated Didier Zanon
I bought my copy from here.

Consonants and Vowels

Do you know your Cs and Vs? Another lovely vintage find - two 1960's phonovisual learning charts from Lackluster

Just a Touch of Colour

Good Morning!
I've wanted to share some images from this beautiful blog for a while now.
I discovered Moa Og Kaffekoppen thanks to the equally inspiring Fryd + Design

Beauty in Simplicity, 
Little Moments, 
I like forward to each new post.

Cubic Christmas

Monday 29 November 2010

Colour My Monday #17

It's Monday, the day we celebrate all things colourful on Kickcan & Conkers.
Today I'd like to share a few images from Sebastiano Ranchetti's new rainbow animal book, L'Arc-en-ciel des Animaux, published in France by Milan Jeunesse.
Beautifully illustrated throughout, L'Arc-en-ciel des Animaux, showcases 39 animals (3 per colour)  on 64 pages and looks a wonderful way of teaching little ones the colours of the rainbow and of introducing them to the richness and diversity of the natural world. One to bookmark for Christmas!

Lundi c'est la journée de la couleur par-ici. Aujourd'hui j'ai envie de fêter le début de la semaine avec quelques images du nouveau livre de Sebastiano Rachetti, "L'Arc-en-ciel des Animaux", publié par Milan Jeunesse. Au fil des soixante-quatre pages merveilleusement illustrés, vos enfants vont apprendre à reconnaître les couleurs, à nommer 39 animaux différents et à admirer la richesse et la diversité de la nature. Un cadeau de plus pour la hotte du Père Noël!

Wee Baby Gift Guide

 A teeny-tiny selection of gifts for your little ones.
The first of many over the next few weeks.
Don't forget to have a look at my Gift Ideas for Kids on Bloesem Kids, Babiekins and Most Wanted

Fly, Fly, Butterfly

Top of the Morning to You!
Did you have a good weekend? Are you raring to go?

I thought we'd kick off our Colour My Monday posts with Philippe Caillaud's beautiful paper butterfly installations. I love his Shanghai Underground work shown above and the butterflies made from Parisan metro tickets. A poetical way to start the week, enjoy!

Bonne Journée!

Sunday 28 November 2010

Five Faves #36

Home & Vintage
2yr Birthday Chair Poster

Bonjour! Bonjour!
Il fait froid!

It's freezing here, hot chocolate and crêpes are on the agenda today.
How about you?

Voici, this week's Five Faves
(I could have chosen at least 10 things to be honest, so much nice stuff around at the moment!)
1) Favourite Idea - 365 Knitting Clock

2) Favourite Journal - Tape Diary*

3) Favourite Children's Craft Activity Sets - Banquet

4) Favourite Work in Progress - Dawn's Beautiful Circus Collage

 5) Favourite Children's Design - Argue Design***

Enjoy your Sunday!

*via Tokketok
** via All The Mountains *
 *** via Natasha Rosenberg

Saturday 27 November 2010

About Big Mouse

I often think it's pointless posting videos because I know that when you're zipping along from blog to blog you seldom have time to sit and watch a short animation. However, whether you're just waking up or are about to go bed, Constantin Arephyeff's short animation "Про Мыху" / About Big Mouse, based on a poem by Ludmila Ulanova,  really is worth some of your time. Bookmark it and watch it with your children, (in English) the illustrations are wonderful, we all loved it.

Abbott and Ellwood

Fun one-off handprinted figurative sculptures and brooches made from mixed metals and found objects by Abbott and Ellwood.


 Hey, listen, it's the weekend!

 Time to relax

 and have some fun


I came across the unusual work of Alexandra Bobkova, a.k.a. Sabob yesterday and really liked what I saw. Something a little different.

Found thanks to Irina and this great Russian illustration link.