Monday 5 September 2016

Monday Moodboard : La rentrée

I know it's early days to be talking about Autumn but may I whisper?
"Here and Now", I hear you all say, you're enjoying an Indian Summer in the South of France n'est-ce pas ? What's the hurry? Make the most of it!

Believe me, I am. C'est la Rentrée, my kids have gone back to school, we've reorganized a few corners of our home and there's an invigorating, start-of-a-new-year optimism in the air. If I add to that a few splashes in the pool or ten minutes in the still very hot sun,  I'm sure you'll get the atmosphere.

What I can't convey in words is that feeling that everything is just about to change. There are acorns and dead leaves on the mossy paths I run down in a morning, grapes that need picking, and olive branches laden with beautiful green fruit slowly ripening in our garden.

                      C'est la Rentrée and Autumn is my favourite season of the year.

Image sources:
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