Saturday 21 January 2012

Rock The Casbar

 Market day, I love it!
From our peaceful garden in the making to the hustle and bustle of a local town
Music, costumes and a thousand wonderful vintage wares
Then back to work on those walls.
 We're getting there, slowly! 


  1. Que ton jardin est beau !!! Tes oliviers n'ont pas l'air d'avoir souffert du déplacement!
    Bon WE!

    1. Pour l'instant les oliviers vont bien, heureusement. J'ai de la chance, on a un jardin immense et les enfants l'adorent!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Britt -Marie. Yes, I'm very lucky, this is actually part of a very big garden with 21 olive trees and other fruit trees. Paradise but a lot of work too!

  3. Wish I was there...looks like so much fun!


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