Sunday 11 March 2012

Une Deuche pour Dimanche


For some reason, our small village in the South of France is home to a large number of 2CVs (I'm not complaining!).
We walk past this one several times a week on our way to school and yesterday I finally managed to take some pics. Come rain, come shine, it's hard not to smile when you catch sight of those magic mushrooms...

Happy Sunday from Deucheville folks!


  1. Oh, what a cute one! I'll come and join you in 2CV-paradise! I'm a HUGE fan, as you can easily see on one of my blogs which I dedicated only to the 2CV! Thanks for showing me this, I wouldn't mind if you show the others, too! ;o))

    1. :) Well, I 'll try but it's taken me 3 years to take a photo of this one!

  2. Fan de ces voitures !!
    Bon dimanche !

  3. I'm inspired enough to buy one and paint it up in gorgeous bright colours. Love it! Must pop by deucheville myself one day. Haven't I been saying that for 2 ½ years now?

  4. Oh mais que ça me rappelle des souvenirs !!! J'en avais une moi aussi, peinte entièrement, les gens nous faisaient tous bonjour (et les flics aussi ! Ah, belle époque!)

  5. Alexandra, j'ai du mal à t'imaginer dans une deuche, je les adore, mais tu me parais beaucoup trop classe! (c'est une compliment !)

  6. Love! Lot's of years ago almost everyone in my family had a 2CV. Finally we couldn't keep them when the garage suggested we should to go to the toy store when they needed repair. They are no longer allowed in Sweden, something about security I think...our authorities are very zealous...but I use to se some survivors every summer...thanks for that lovely picture!

  7. 2cv & dimanche; perfect combination :)
    cools shots in your village
    i really miss my cozy 2cv (when the sun is shining) and the sound of it. X ingrid

  8. May be the reason is you are in France? Once we drove by car from Italy to France. To France we met a lot of trailers transporting french cars to Italy, back we met a lot of Italian trucks carrying Italian cars to France.,The 2CV's are rather charming, but I would not use one as a family car, it is like putting your precious children in a tin box

  9. Really miss my 2cv! The joys of simple motoring and being able to fix it when it went wrong, rather than, with a 'modern' car, hooking it up to a computer to see which part of the microchip isn't functioning properly.

  10. oh i love the 2 cv's- my parents had one when i was little. i don't know how we managed but we had several holidays in france with it- 3 children cramped in the back... hope you are well lovely xxx

  11. WaHooooooU super dodoche ( comme on dit chez nous!)


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