Friday 11 January 2013

Shop Watch: Du Côté Du Design

You should know by now - I'm a minimalist through and through.
But that doesn't stop my heart racing when I see not one not two but three or more..

There's beauty in numbers, I do confirm.
Collections, accumulations, masses and heaps and piles,
all displayed artfully.

Du Côté Du Design is one of my favourite local shops.

Based in Nîmes, this little gem is run by a French couple who are passionate about industrial design and have a real knack for discovering unusual vintage finds. The shop recently moved to new premises and I went to have a look just before Christmas. As you can see, Du Côté Du Design offer an eclectic mix of goods sourced from all over (I love their Amish stars, American traffic light and movie projector lamps, also from the US).

 Wherever you look there are collections, groups of old soaps, spools of thread, santons,
it's almost too good to be true!

  Of course, Nîmes isn't local for everyone, so Du Côté Du Design are online as well.
You can follow them on Facebook (where I recently spotted this beautiful double desk), Twitter and check out their blog and inspiring web shop, which is chock-full of lamps, furniture and home decor accessories that would work perfectly in an industrial loft space.

One of my faves - in your bookmarks for sure!


Bon week end !

1 comment:

  1. I know that feeling. that heart racing. this calls for it. thanks for sharing ;)


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