Wednesday 27 June 2012

B for Brick Lane

The Queen's Jubilee, the Olympics, the Paralympics, it looks like London is the city of Summer 12, and what better way to mark the occasion than by buying a brand new children's book illustrated by talented UK paperartist/illustrator Kate Slater.

Written by James Dunn and published by Frances Lincoln, ABC London is a colourful, contemporary alphabet picture book featuring a selection of the classic and unique sites and culture that make London Town so special (I used to live in Greenwich so 'O for Observatory' is one of my faves). 

I haven't seen a copy of the book myself but after seeing Kate's beautiful papercuts, collages and first book at the YSP a couple of years ago (even my husband wanted to buy a couple of her greetings card he was so smitten!), I have no doubts about the quality of her work in this publication.

Kate will also be presenting her first solo exhibition at the Jam Factory in Oxford this Summer, so if you lucky enough to live nearby, do try and pop in to support this much-loved children's illustrator/artist.


  1. lovely work- love her illustration.

  2. How wonderful, and joyful!

  3. Very cute! Where's the Olympics symbol on the Tower Bridge? (hehe) Kx


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