Wednesday 6 February 2013

Vive Le Printemps !

I haven't been back a day yet, and all I can think about is Spring.
I have big plans for renovating our house and will be busy painting & decorating in the coming weeks (nay months...). There's lots to do here still, but my short trip to Stockholm has done me the world of good.
Time to pare down, again, freshen those white walls and start work on the garden.
I'm ready and willing to usher in the spring.

Thanks for the inspiration:



  1. I have really enjoyed your posts of Stockholm Deb, makes me homesick. Lovely images and inspiration.

    1. Oh, more to come, stay away for a couple of days, I don't want to upset you xxx

  2. for now it's just the dolls houses but as soon as I get over this cold i'd like to tiptoe courageously in your footsteps : ) beautiful colours you brought back from Sweden.



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