Wednesday 3 February 2010

Weekend picks

I'm back from Paris!
No time for bloggin' in the city (more of which later) so here are my - very late - mid-week picks

"Un Mundo Raro", Kalandraka 2010 - illustration by the very talented Nicolai Troshinsky

"Un Mundo raro", Kalandraka 2010 - Nicolai Troshinsky

and tails
Dog series by Penny Stotter
via The Design Alphabet

100% cute - dolls and softies from Japanese store Spilla
via bonne-vie

Grimm's Spiel and Holz wooden alphabet magnets
via Ohdeedoh


  1. Nice to have you back hope you have had a wonderful time.

  2. Love the second art work of the bunch! Thank you for stopping by the blog and nice to find your as well.

  3. hope you had a great time in Paris, love the vintage wooden jigsaw:)

  4. the illustrations from nicolai are really very great! his work is a great inspiration... have a nice weekend!


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