Monday 5 December 2011

Five Faves #68

Good Morning
Happy Monday!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. What did you get up to?
I would have loved to have visited some of the Christmas craft and design fairs that have been on in London and Paris but I've done enough travelling for a while. Miles and Savannah have been poorly so we stayed at home and I've been tweaking my own little online shop. With a bit of luck it will be ready tomorrow evening.

Until then, here are five favourites from last week, enjoy:

1) Favourite new print - May, Le Train Fantôme

 2) Favourite vintage find, from new-to-me Lucine Vintage - Wicker rocking horse

  3) Favourite kids' art project - Cardboard cars, Atelier pour enfants

4) Favourite self-published book - Portal Encantado (Enchanted Portal) by Thereza Rowe

A très bientôt !


  1. I had a great weekend. Saturday I had to work but I have the most nice job in the world. I teach 59 children about art. Sunday we went to the handmade market in Hasselt Belgium and I bought some nice things (for those who are curious, take a look a my blog)

    I wish you a nice week

  2. OMG those kids cars are to die for!!


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