Monday 5 December 2011

Sponsor Meet & Greet: Molly-Meg

I have been blogging for two and a half years now and in that short space of time I have seen a few small flash-in-the-pan-businesses that had the internet a-buzzing then gradually faded away.  Others have been more resilient, managing to adapt to a less favourable economic climate and coming out all the more better for it. I think Molly-Meg is one such entity. 

 Most of us will probably associate Molly-Meg with this image above. A collection of vintage children's chairs hanging from a balloon-filled tree. But it's much more than that now. Over time, Molly-Meg has expanded, blending old furniture with new, retro-style with modern. Exactly the kind of shop I love.

In addition to vintage furniture and decorative items for your home, Molly-Meg now carries a selection of designer toys, including brands such as Lucky Boy Sunday, Pakuis Oost, Little Red Stuga and Miller Goodman.  There's something for every budget and the recent creation of a customised art section, including cards, prints, letters and numbers is proving very popular.

I imagine you have to be versatile, strong-willed and hard-working to make a brand stick. I think Molly-Meg has all of those qualities and I am looking forward to watching the company grow. With a bit of luck (how could I forget that?), the rest will be plain sailing...

Design Shop For Children


  1. Ohoh je vais voir de plus près...


  2. Yes, you have it right here, it takes a lot of hard work, determination and leaps into the unknown! Molly-meg are an inspiration v x


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