Friday 16 December 2011

Shop Watch: Mint Print

This morning I reluctantly but diligently wrapped my children's teachers' Christmas presents in Miriam Trent's beautiful screenprinted tree-patterned paper. I say reluctantly because I was hoping to keep it all for myself to frame. 

I met Miriam when I was in Ilkley in October. She was selling at a local craft fair and as I follow her blog and twitter feed I stopped to say hello. It's so nice to meet virtual acquantances for real. Miriam was just packing her stall away when I arrived, however, I did get chance to buy my wrap and to admire these wonderful handpulled monoprints. I love art,  print and colour, and yet you won't find a lot of it in our neutral, pared down home.

I was very tempted to buy one of Miriam's fruit prints, and that hasn't happened for a long time. Believe me, they are beautiful.


  1. I love those monoprints, it's something I've started to use by myself to and have a lot of fun with it

  2. Oh yes I LOVE Miriam's prints - and her photography of them. Also she's very very nice.


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