Wednesday 8 December 2010

Let The Fun Begin!

I love this! When Savannah was in her last year at pre-school her class did a huge ink and wax mural to decorate the classroom. The colours are fantastic - pinks, greens, purples, not your usual Christmas colour palette. The teacher was going to throw it out so I asked  if I could keep it. Every year we ceremoniously unroll it and use it to decorate Savannah and Miles' bedroom. 

 Wednesday's activity today in France, no school but art, sport and dance classes. We're going to make paper snowflakes, what are you doing today?


  1. Pour moi, cette après midi, c’est l’espace enfant de la médiathèque du Carré d’art, avec le dernier né.
    Même si je vis à Nîmes, je travaille depuis 9 ans à Assas (pas actuellement, je suis en congés parental) donc tout près de Clapiers, on s’est, peut être, déjà croisées …
    J’aime beaucoup te lire,c'est très inspirant, continue comme ça !

  2. Oh that picture is gorgeous really fab colours it's brightened up my day! Kids are back at school, Son is rehearsing the reception nativity...he's a chinese man!(don't ask!), Sky writing about the Serengeti, and Lil is on a class treat day at the sports centre doing dance and football!.....I'm Christmas shopping ! Have a good one!

  3. What a fantastically colourful piece of art.
    Today? INSET (in-service training) in ICT (compooters n' stuff)[can you believe it, this near Chrimble !?] and ..wait for it..planning lessons for January! Whatever happened to enjoying the run-up to Christmas with your class, knee-deep in glitter with bits of card stuck under your shoe. The french teacher had the right idea - tho' not about discarding such a wonderful work.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!