Saturday, 18 December 2010

Moons and Mobiles

In fact, they're among my favourite creations in 2010.
I'm really looking forward to seeing her new shop next year, aren't you?
If you can't wait until then for a mobile, cushion or pincushion, drop her a line,  gifts like these will be cherished for a lifetime.


  1. they are wonderful, I saw them in Amsterdam.
    Now I feel bad, that I did not buy one

  2. Yep, I am certainly awaiting the opening of her shop with anitipation. A local shop here said they stocked a couple of her pieces, but they had either sold, or were on their way... because they weren't there when i excitedly visited last week :-(

  3. they are totally rockin'! love them completely. yummy goodness. And I think they'd work so well in my house too! :)

  4. I love Renilde's work, all of it :) Kx


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