Monday 8 August 2011

Give Me Three #39



Yes, It's Colour My Monday and time to share these wonderful building blocks by art educator and toy designer Karen Hewitt, founder of Learning Materials Workshop. John Meyers was lucky enough to find this set at a flea market a while ago and I was really curious to know where they came from. Thanks to pinterest, I was able to identify "Tinte" and learn about the Reggio Emilia Approch to pre-school education.

Take your time looking at the LMW site, Karen Hewitt's designs will appeal to artlovers and kids alike. I think some of you will also be interested in her blog focused on creativity, art and learning through play.
I, for one, will be following from now on...


  1. wow ... those colours. I especially like that they are not just the basic blue yellow green and red. Pink, purple and orange YES!

    I can just imagine what my son would build with those

  2. Love! Thanks for passing on the blog too! :) Have a good week Deb.

  3. Absolutely love these! I'd use them as art in the house, and display them. On the wall!

  4. oh wow! so pretty! such beautiful colours!


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