Friday 7 October 2011

Noir C'est Noir

Black is Black...
In total contrast to last week's all-white kids' decor post, I'd like to share these photographs of Ugo and Léa's bedrooms in a loft in the suburbs of Paris. 
Loyal Milk readers will recognise Serendipity founder Laurence Simoncini's stunning home and will have probably been as excited as I was when I opened the current issue of the magazine. Or were you? What do you think about black and grey rooms for children? Are you keen on black with pops of colour? Is it something you'd like to try? Do you think it's 'suitable' for kids? Is it something you could live with on a day to day basis? I'd love to know your thoughts on this one.

Quite honestly, if we had the right space, I'd be giving this a go, my eldest son Dylan (almost 16) really loved these rooms.

Thank you for your response to my request for photos of children's rooms. I am putting together my first post about a lovely little girl's space in Berlin and hope to have that online early next week. Then we'll be flying off to Scotland, Poland, Egypt, India... it's going to be fun, I hope you enjoy the ride!

Photos: Karel Balas
Courtesy of Milk Magazine, Merci !


  1. refreshing
    on gloss black


  2. I love the idea, just not sure about living with it! I guess if you had the right space then definitly... for a bright loft, bright being the key word, yes yes and yes again! In my small appartment with little light, not sure! Maybe an accent wall? Have an amazing trip...

  3. Black for children? Difficult! ;-D The dark wall with the dark floor on photos its really too much for me. I will say: great for teenager, but I will not try it for my small boys. ( 5 year old & 1 year) Light gray can be really great, goes well with wild elements and natural color of wood. Yes, please ;-)

  4. J'aime autant ce gris profond que le je suis sur que j'oserai !


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!