Wednesday 31 March 2010

April 1st

Happy April Fools' Day!
Joyeux Poisson d'Avril !

April 1st
The day I met my husband
The day I met Miles

Joyeux Anniversaire Mon Petit Bonhomme!

5 years' old today...

Did you know that at the beginning of the 20th Century the French sent "fish" cards to their loved ones on April 1st? Fish symbolised love and friendship.

I thought I'd show you a few from my own collection, they're so funny!


  1. Those are hilarious and fascinating at the same time. Thanks for posting that. I had no idea!


  2. Joyeux anniversaire! Miles
    Anniversaire joyeux de l'amour à première vue, Deb et Dominique.
    Passez une bonne journée.
    J'espère que mon colis arrive aujourd'hui.

  3. Happy celebrations to all the family! Love the postcards; only French girls could look so pretty and stylish while holding dead fish.

  4. An auspicious day Deb! Those cards are brilliant - I had no idea. Is this where the original April Fools thing came from? What a neat collection.

  5. Oh these are so fun...I am smiling from ear to ear...Happy April fools day!

  6. not everyone can say they have such a collection! yes, fun!

  7. These photos are amazing; I love them! Happy Anniversary!

  8. De grands moments à célébrer pour toi en ce jour, alors belle fête !

  9. i didn`t know anything about that fish-card... but i wish you and your husband the best. and i have to say: happy birthday ;-)

  10. What a special day this must be for you! Happy b-day Miles!
    And what a great postcard collection, what a weird but nice tradition.

  11. Happy Five !!!
    et vive les chocolats ;-))

  12. happy anniversary, happy pesce d'aprile, happy five!

  13. Wow, what other treasures do you have in your personal collection?
    Those are beautiful!

  14. oh, i learned something new again! never knew about the fish-cards in france.. funny tradition. shouldn't we revive it?! you're throwing me an idea, deb! ;)
    but is this tradition still alive in france? would one understand what is meant with it if someone sent a fish postcard on the 1st of april today?? (it really interests me)

  15. Ieva I don't think most people in France would really know about fish as a symbol of friendship and love now. It seems to have been especially popular at the beginning of the 20th Century. All my cards date back to 1911-12. However, French kids still stick paper fish on each other's backs as a joke - I walked home from school with one stuck to mine today and Miles has one ready for Dom tonight...
    Agence Eureka has some more nice ones on Flickr

  16. I love the cards! How funny are they. You just can't imagine people sending these now. Happy anniversary of meeting and Happy Birthday to Miles.

  17. Enjoy this special day and I like the fish card tradition thing. :))

  18. Tu as toujours des trouvailles remarquables ! J'adore !

  19. Why Deb, I didn't know you cared ;-)
    GORGEOUS - and I've never seen any like them.
    Happy day to you

    And happy birthday to Miles

  20. en retard, joyeux anniversaires et bon week-end!

  21. elles sont excellentes ces cartes ...

  22. I've only just seen this post and at first I thought it was an April Fools - fish symbolising friendship and love sounds crazy these days. I love the cards with the colour tints, they're gorgeous. I'm now officially on the hunt for some french, fish postcards to add to my collection!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!