Saturday 10 July 2010

A Summer Cloak


Sun, Sea, Mountains and Lakes
Hot Air Balloons High Above Sweet Meadows
Flowers Under Foot

Close your eyes
Can you see it?
Does it look like this?

I've shown you some of Atelier Reinette's work before.
Her masks and soft toys are quite outstanding, my favourites in fact.
Sophie is a member of the Handmade France network and recently created this beautiful child's cloak for their Summer-themed exhibition.
I love it!
Take a look at her shop and blog, I think you'll be hearing a lot about her in the near future.
Vive l'été !


  1. I know they are for kids but I want an indian headdress (for me), very cool.

  2. They are so very special! I can see why they are a big favourite :) Kx

  3. These are glorious....fantastic.
    -I wish I was a kid.

  4. je découvre chaque jour des créateurs ici et là je souris et je suis fière de ma cops ;) et de ses mannequins !

  5. I love sophie's bird masks in particular and I'm so pleased to see that she's making a name for herself in France and abroad. This cape is a beautiful idea.

  6. ohh merci! merci beaucoup!
    à bientôt ;)


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