Friday 6 May 2011


Yes, I'm happy.
How can you not be when you eat with Vikings for breakfast?

Thank you Sandra, Miles' spots have almost gone.
He's been busy helping his Daddy

Strip and renovate this old flea market find, once apple green
We like simple things here.

I've just started filling it and I'm so excited and relieved to see that things are slowly coming together. Everything takes so long when you do it yourself, n'est-ce pas ?

Oh, and if that wasn't enough,

C'est super, non ?


  1. Love the cabinet and am glad that Miles is well and truly on the mend.

    Happy weekend to you, Stephie x

  2. I didn't know Anorak had a French site--that's great! I've been coveting those Viking plates for so long...they're really pretty.


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