Monday 13 June 2011


Good Morning!
C'est la fête
It's Monday, it's Bank Holiday and the sun is shining brightly here in the South of France.

What a great start to the week!

 If you're not so lucky, and the skies are grey, hop over to Hungarian doll maker Eszterda's blog and Flickr photostream for a burst of Colour My Monday inspiration.

 I love her embroidered cats and doll rattles, don't you?

à bientôt... 


  1. Those cats are just perfect. Meow!

  2. It's the cats that do it for me as well, love them.

  3. The doll with the red dress and the hors is so beautiful!!!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!