Monday 20 June 2011

I Didn't See it Coming

Sit yourself down for five minutes and watch this wonderful-magical-colourful animated music video for Belle & Sebastian directed by the uber-talented, always inspirational Lesley Barnes - That is an order!


  1. thank you for giving orders! It is absolutely beautiful!

  2. Can you believe I had the chance to go and see the premier of this video...and instead took all the kids to get haircuts?? Motherhood=sacrifice! ;)

  3. Oh fab, I've been waiting to see this since I heard about the collaboration. Going to bookmark it now and save for later. Thanks x

  4. absolutely great! What creativity! Loved that song too - has a touch of 80-ies nostalgia around it ;)

  5. Love it, we are big fans of B&S! merci : )


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