Thursday 16 June 2011

Monsieur le Champignon

Totally in love with this Mushroom Costume taken from Les Déguisements d'enfants, by Julianne Bleckmann and Valérie Dumont (Mes Carnets de couture collection). Have a look at some of the others, there are 17 for you to make in all (in French).

My Image of The Day

You know I love unusual fancy dress costumes, they always make me smile.

If only I could sew...



  1. Debbie this is enchanting!

  2. Awesome! If only I'd seen this before today. Charlie's reception class has just performed the The Secret Garden. We could have done with some little champignon's! Charlie was a crocodile. Lou x

  3. Do they do it in adult size by any chance? ;)Wonderful x

  4. I'm in love, too ... just imagine my little (one and a half year old) baby in THIS costume :) ha, I have a photo him wearing a rain... (don't know the word) für the bike on his head, looks like a mushroom, too!

  5. You really know how to source quirky and unique finds to share with us -keep it up gorgeous!

    Love Bx

  6. Hi Deb! I have lots of doubts about opening a webshop... Lots of work and I have doubts about whether I would have customers. Someone I know had an Etsy-shop and closed it because it cost her too much commission and had hardly any buyers.
    How is your shop coming along?

  7. So gorgeous. I love it


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