Wednesday 2 February 2011

Inspiration: Family C

This looks fun, don't you think?
Family C, written by Pep Bruno and illustrated by Mariona Cabassa is the story of a family who love the circus and who find that it adds so much colour to their lives. Published by the excellent Kalandraka, it won the 3rd Annual International Compostela Prize for Picture Books in 2010.

I think many of you will enjoy browsing Mariona Cabassa's portfolio, if you're not already acquainted with her illustrations. I found her thanks to Caos, a cool Barcelona-based online magazine for trendy parents. If you hop over there to read their February issue, just out today, you will find a short article on the things Dominique and I love to do with our three children in Montpellier. Spanish dicos at the ready, uno dos, tres...


  1. Looks like lots of fun and great inspiration.

  2. Mariona and aslo Pep are brilliant artists!
    Love this one!

  3. Loved reading the article, and taking a little walk down memory lane thanks to your words about Montpellier!

  4. Très bon choix tes "10 choses que tu aimes faire à Montpellier".
    On dirait une vrai montpellieraine !


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