Thursday 17 February 2011

Papier Mache Print #1 Giveaway

I've been a cheerleader from the start, and have nothing but esteem for those who dare to speak with a new voice,  tread a new path and set new standards.
Papier Mache Magazine has grown from strength to strength, blossoming and seducing, beckoning, urging the move to print.

We've all been waiting for it, haven't we? Dying to flick through the pages, soak it all in and savour, over and over again...

If you didn't manage to get round to pre-ordering this limited-edition issue, full of beautiful photography, fashion and art, and including interviews with Zoe de las Cases, Elisabeth Dunker and Barbara Berrada, I have some good news for you - I'm your fairy godmother!

Close your eyes, count to three, make a wish and open them - Tada!  
My first surprise - this beautiful video of Papier Mache's ballet dance photo shoot directed by Anna Palma - XOXO*

"XOXO" directed by Anna Palma from SWELL on Vimeo.

Did you enjoy that? Would you like to see more? Well, maybe you'll be lucky enough to win one of the THREE copies of Print Issue #1 that Papier Mache Magazine is kindly giving away on Kickcan & Conkers today...

The usual giveaway drill applies, here's how you can win a copy of Papier Mache Print #1:
1) If you aren't already, become a Papier Mache Blog, Facebook or Twitter follower.
2) Leave a comment below.
3) If you spread the word via Twitter, Facebook, Blogging or any other means  you will get two names in the hat.

The Papier Mache Print #1 giveaway ends on Wednesday 23rd February at 18pm CET.
I will announce the three winners that same evening.
Good Luck!

Une très bonne nouvelle! Papier mache vous offre la chance de gagner une copie de sa nouvelle magazine version papier! Si, c'est vrai, vous ne rêvez pas! Pour participer, il vous suffit de 1) devenir un "follower" du blog de papier mache ou de le suivre sur Facebook / Twitter, si vous ne le faîtes pas déjà, 2) de laisser un commentaire ici 3) ceux / celles qui parlent de ce giveaway sur leur blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc, auront deux chances de gagner.

Ce petit jeu s'arrêtera le mercredi 23 février à 18 heures, CET.
J'annoncerai le nom des trois gagnants ce jour-là.

Bonne Chance!


  1. that magazine has my name on it ;)
    trying my luck (again :))
    will send out a tweet as well!

  2. already a follower on twitter...
    Even have an item in the Papier Mache Magazine about our project ( We of course already pre ordered 2 magazines, but for the proud people around us, more magazines would be awesome!!!
    So, hoping for some luck...

  3. LOVELY!!! I am so happy more niche magazines are coming forward. I was getting worried when all of my favorites began shutting their doors.

    Please enter me! :)

  4. Please pop me in the hat for a copy, I shall whizz over to twitter to tweet about it too.

  5. Hi! I follow your blog and Papier Mache blog and would love to win a copy of his magazine number 1. Thanks! Marta García. martaplayita at gmail dot com

  6. Gah! I love that video!! Beyond gorgeous. Tweeting away tweeting away!

  7. Fantastic !!!!!!
    I play well on

  8. a second chance for me, I just send it on my facebook

  9. Yes,yes,yes!!! I have been waiting for it!
    Have a great day!

  10. I am waiting for my issue to come in the mail but have not see it yet!! Good luck to everyone!!

  11. yeah :)
    am looking very forward to it!

  12. Grreat giveaway! I'm not a
    tweeter and was on facebook
    for less than 36 hours but was
    a subscriber to the on-line mag.
    Old school works best for me. :^)

  13. oh how i love papier mache and kickcan and conkers <3 i am a follower on both twitter and facebook. have a good day xo

  14. oh what an ace giveaway...and how lovely to discover paper mache! (the last time I used that word I was making a pig)

  15. Oh! I hope I win... I bet you can't find this mag in Montreal... and I will become a facebook fan right away!!!

  16. i´m your reader and i link it to my blog

  17. I'm already a follower of their blog. I wish I was one of the lucky ones!! It's such a beautiful work...
    Of course I'll write about it on my blog (my spanish is better than my terrible english, I promise)

  18. I am a follower and a facebook-fan. I love the papier mache online mag and it would be great to win a print issue :)

  19. we are followers of the papier mache blog since we found their lovely magazine :) we spread the word via twitter!

  20. Je ne suis pas sur FB ni ne twitte, mais hopefully, j'ai une adresse mail pour devenir un follower et tenter ma chance !
    Merci pour cette heureuse initiative !

  21. Yes yes! I'd love to see the first issue. I'd subscribe but the postage cost from Australia is a bit high. Might be well worth it though.

    I shall tweet.

  22. OK - I would ADORE to see the first issue too. It's gorgeous. Thank goodness I follow you on Facebook. Shall put it on my profile

  23. I m a follower of this cute mag and in my FB too.
    Thanks for this giveaway and hope i'll be one of the lucky winner.

  24. je suis raide dingue de cette vidéo !!! Je joue c'est obligé : )

  25. je joue bien sur, je suis pm sur facebook et j'ai mis un billet sur mon blog! (j'ai 2 chances?!)

  26. What a cute video! I cross my fingers for this giveaway:) Happy weekend to you, Deborah. X R

  27. I would love to discover this poetic magazine for real... I play...fingers crossed...

  28. Je joue aussi ! je fais un billet aujourd'hui sur mon blog et vous rejoins sur fb avec plaisir ! cette vidéo (découverte sur le blog de Chacha) est sublime ! : )

  29. Super la vidéo et bien evidemment je joue... Très joli...

  30. Love it, and love YOU! :o)

  31. I can't read such beautiful magazines in Hungary but I'm glad to have a chance to win it, as I'm a follower of this blog and the Papier Mache blog. The video is lovely!

  32. Please make sure I have an email folks! / N'oubliez pas de me laisser votre adresse email...

  33. Point your magic wand towards my head, dear fairy godmother!!!

  34. So pretty- I've been following them in all 3 ways for a little while and especially love the vimeos on the site. Magical. Will put a link on my blog too x

  35. Really nice! I follow you on blogger now, and hope I am a lucky winner...
    Love, Melanie

  36. LOVED the video; would love to win the mag. Thanks.
    dawnnewsome at yahoo dot com

  37. I'm a total follower, and get a ton of inspiration from your blog. :)

  38. oh this is amazing, I hope I win... beautiful beautiful beautiful! *

  39. Nice! I want to have the magazine in my hands already! I hope to win ;-) Thanks

  40. That looks lovely, I'd love to win a copy (fingers crossed)!

  41. Ohlala merci pour ce giveaway !!! Je suis déjà papier mache sur Facebook et Twitter évidemment ! J'ai relayé sur Mum is Geek la sortie de sa version imprimée et file rajouter un lien vers ce concours ! Je ne veux pas passer à côté d'une 2e chance de gagner !!!

  42. ça y est, message ajouté à mon billet sur la sortie de ce papier mache print 1 ! Merci Deborah !

  43. rha la la, trop bo ! je joue !

  44. je tente...ça donne tellement envie.

  45. Arrivée ici grâce à Mumisgeek, je connaissais Papier Mache que j'aimais déjà beaucoup en version électronique (et maintenant sur Facebook ;-)) ... je tente ma chance pour tester la version papier ! Merci pour le giveaway !

  46. et voila mon nom dans le chapeau

  47. I have loved your blog for a very long time and have you on my blogroll. Have been following on twitter and have just re-tweeted your tweet about your giveaway. I thought I was following here to but I certainly am now. I would love a chance to win this gorgeous magazine Deborah and many thanks for bringing us such interesting things to gaze upon on your blog

    Carolyn x

  48. Hmmm, I am afraid it is too late already...

  49. Hi Deborah! Glad you are loving the video as much as we are! Thanks for posting!
    Elizabeth from SWELL


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