Tuesday 1 February 2011

Spring is in the Air

I have a spring in my step today..
The sun is shining and I've been enjoying spending some time outside in the garden, dreaming of the warm months to come.
I found these three 1930-40s wooden figurines / miniature toys on etsy this morning, aren't they lovely? I love the little blue boxes, they reminded me of my Abbatt Toy snap cards.

Sweet, Spring-like and inspiring, hope you're smiling too...


  1. the boxes are swiss chocolate boxes
    I like the toys too

  2. Debbie who could not smile looking at those little guys! Precious. I hope you enjoy the time in your garden. I love gardening myself.

  3. oh those boxes are just the best!! Love the colours

  4. I love the design on those boxes.. Imagine them as wallpaper? Too cute. I just recently saw some wooden faux vintage toys this weekend of Gary Taxali that i loved. These above are in great shape! Happy to hear there's a spring in your step! Pls send some warm weather our way.. : )

  5. so adorable!!! and they did make me smile :)


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