Monday 8 November 2010

Home Making

Did you have a good weekend? I hope so.
Something different today for my first Colour My Monday post.
We pottered around the house yesterday, it was nice. We are slowly renovating a large 70's villa in the country, which I wasn't keen on buying, save for the wonderful garden /small olive grove. It's a slow process. We're doing it all ourselves, as we've done it before, but with three children and a tight budget it's hard work.  The wall-to-wall-to-ceiling-to-door flowery wallpaper has been replaced with white, the floor has been tiled in grey and we have found a gorgeous old marble sink for the kitchen. We know exactly how we want our home to look, but it takes time.
Anyway, a few images from our home in the making, including the chair I am sitting on right now and my old wooden desk. This is me!


  1. Wow, lots of beautiful snippets Deb, I just love the tarnished tins & silver :)

  2. grey, silver...
    la couleurs des cheveux que je suis en train de coudre à ma poupée en ce moment même...

  3. Great work!
    We did the same when we renovated our holidays home in France but we white-washed all the walls which was dead cheap to do as you only need water, milk and lime washed powder (messy job though) but the result is great

    You have some gorgeous vintage pieces!

  4. love the grey and white, so french as in the grey sky here in northern france! aaargh. love the distressed finds and zinc exactly what all my home style shop clients in london beg me to find for them. is it sunny where you are? should i be green?...

  5. it's going to be amazing! And already looks amazing. I love these snippets, lovely little moments of life.


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