Tuesday 20 April 2010

From Strength to Strength

There's no stopping her!

Guusje's screenprints just keep

getting better and better...


  1. So nice to see Guusje´s prints here!! She will attend one of my doll making classes next week in Amsterdam, I am so much looking forward to meeting her...

    Sunny greetings, Juliane

  2. LOL, imagine what I could produce without three little children ;-). Thank you for your compliments, Deb. I just love the whole screen printing process.

    I am so grateful (and feel a little embarrassed at the same time to 'expose' my work) that some other people like my designs.

    Big kiss,


  3. Merci pour cette jolie adresse. Un coup de cœur pour moi aussi :)

  4. Love her work, one of these days I'll have one on my wall:)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!