Thursday 22 April 2010

Shop Watch: Itis Edition

Taiwanese illustrator / graphic designer Yihsin Wu has an amazing eye for colour and pattern. Not only is she a successful freelance illustrator and printmaker, she also runs what looks to me to be vintage /design book heaven - Itis Edition, selling printed matter and more...

Now, I can't honestly see myself flying to Taipei anytime soon, but I have enjoyed browsing her inspiring blog and her online shop is definitely my kinda place!

Thanks to Wollies for the link!

Oh, by the way, there are lots more vintage / design / art links on my Tumblr if you care to take a peek...


  1. Itis wonderful!

  2. Very cool! I love the illustration style.

  3. looks wonderful! will check it out, thanks!

  4. Wow, I'm in trouble when I see lots of vintage design books. I have a little art book addiction. Amazing collection she's got in her store! So fun to browse the great photos she's taken of the books too. Thanks for this awesome link!

  5. Wow! I hadn't seen this. I could spend a lot of money there :) Thanks for sharing.


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