Friday 7 August 2009

Love it!

I was admiring Virginia Johnson's (of Roddy&Ginger fame) chalkboard wall the other day over at OpenHouse. I thought it might work well in our kitchen too, we'll have to see...

Then I came across this idea over at Tea for Joy, originally found via Ideal Home's blog HomeShoppingSpy

This chalkboard calendar looks great! If you're interested in having a go at home, look here.


  1. Oh. my. wow... this is so great! What a totally fabulous idea. I'm always so surprised when I see something like this... Just when I thought everything had already been done and we're in a perpetual post-modernist cycle!! ;) So lovely to see such a new idea. Thanks for this, Deb - a real treat. K

  2. We used to have a blackboard back door in my old flat and I can honestly say it was the handiest thing ever... I say blackboard-ify your kitchen! ;)

  3. Merci Deborah pour tes visites et tes messages enthousiastes. J'ai passé un très agréable moment par chez toi. Ce calendrier perpétuel est génial !


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