Friday 11 September 2009

Christian Faur

The Dance

"My earliest memories of making art involve the use of wax crayons. I can still remember the pleasure of opening a new box of crayons: the distinct smell of the wax, the beautifully colored tips, everything still perfect and unused. Using the first crayon from a new box always gave me a slight pain. Through a novel technique that I have developed, I again find myself working with the familiar form of the crayon.

Because of the three-dimensional nature of the crayons, the individual surface images appear to change form as one moves about the gallery space. The images completely disappear when viewed from close up, allowing one to read the horizontally sequenced crayon text and to take in the beautifully colored crayon tips -- all the while being reminded of that first box of crayons." Christian Faur.


Mortgage on the Future

Amazing portraits created from hand-cast encaustic crayons arranged point up in a box. Like a Pointillist painter, Christian Faur uses coloured wax crayons as pixels, forming vivid images from rows and rows of dots of colour. Brilliant, ingenious work from this US artist whose art intertwines form and function, enabling the medium to become the message.

Link via ffffound
Copyright: Christian Faur


  1. Oh, these are amazing! It must be a long process to finish these pieces..

    Have a great weekend! ox

  2. the forgotten children serie is great. I wonder how he prepares the wax for the crayons to stay up. Have you read his explanations on the colour Alphabet ?

  3. These are wonderful! And I'm enjoying reading back through your blog: you have an eye for quirkily colourful finds.


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