Wednesday 30 September 2009

Poupée love

I really don't know whether I'll be able to part with these wonderful old dolls I found at a flea market in Nîmes a few weeks ago. I bought them for my shop but I'm starting to get attached... We'll see.


  1. I couldn't part with them. No way.

  2. hmmm, i find them just a little bit scary.

  3. I wish I could scour a few french flea markets! I have 2 really old chinese dolls that I've had for ever it seems, and I couldn't part with them either.

  4. Did you end up finding information on them ? They are lovely. I own a clown that looks like he black and grey doll. Bought in the states. I have never been able to find out. If I do, I'll let you know. Enjoy the day!

  5. I can´t wait for the shop to open;)


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