Monday 14 September 2009

One last dip

At the Seaside by Germano Zullo from the Tate

Daytripper, acrylic on canvas, by Becky Blair

Becky Blair exhibition poster from Castor and Pollux

Swimmer gocco print by KatieP

Ladies First, linocut print, by Cath Deeson

Bathing Belles, oil-based block print on paper and sheet music, by Cath Deeson

Beautiful porcelain ceramic swimmer cups by Helen Beard

Swimmer watercolour by Helen Beard

The Swimmers, print of original acrylic on canvas, by Kiki and Polly

All Together, print of original acrylic on canvas, by Kiki and Polly

before the summer goes...


  1. qué lindo!!!! everything is so and talent everywhere in this blog!!!!!!

  2. I really like Cath Deeson's work. It's a bit reminiscent of Robert Tavener's paintings.

  3. The drawing by Katie P is lovely :)

  4. oh ! quel beau tour d'horizon...
    je rêve de prendre un bain de mer...c'était si bonnnn!

  5. What a smashing post! Really love Helen Beard's work... those swimmer cups are so lovely.

    Psst, hope you will be showing us those circus blotters from the flea you scored this past weekend... green with envy. :~)

  6. Becky Blair is one of my favourite artists. I commissioned her to do a canvas and everyday I am so grateful to look at it.

    these swimmers are all lovely. Last summer I illustrated my children in swimming caps and bathing suits or 'togs' as we call them here in Australia. I should revisit that and see how they print.

    thanks for the post below too. :)

  7. These images are so inspirational :)

  8. Kiki and Polly a ma préférence. Que j'aime ces dessins sans visage !


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