Tuesday 29 September 2009

My First Dictionary

This just has to be one of the funniest blogs I know. Leeds library assistant Ross Horsley describes himself as "a timid librarian by day....Frenzied fan of gory slasher movies by night!" His unique combination of cute original 1950s' pictures of children and dark, twisted "tongue-in-cheek" British humour have me in stitches almost everyday. Take a look at another of his blogs Musty Moments, "an online scrapbook of the strange and amusing snippets" he unearths at work at a local history library. Excellent!


  1. I love it! Will definitely check out this blog pronto!

  2. OMG! I've been all but screaming with laughter here! This is TOO funny :)) Great post, Deb. Thanks for the link. K

  3. Awesome find - love the OCD hair brusher! xx

  4. great find. I'll check out the blog asap.

  5. Mais c'est génial ! Terrific !!!


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